One major perk of doing business with a company such as Limousine Service Daytona is the fact that, because we are a limo carrier, alcoholic beverages are allowed on all of our limos and party buses. The only stipulations are that the driver can't provide the drinks and that everyone on the bus/limo must be legal drinking age.
No matter your particular rental circumstance, we do require a deposit when you reserve your bus or limo. That insures that you will get the vehicle that you wish, during the times that you wish - and that deposit will subsequently come off of the total rental fee. The reservation fee is due when you call in and reserve - by credit card or debit card.
Within reason - and nearly everywhere is within the time windows in which our clients rent their party buses and limousines - you are allowed as many stops as you wish and also, you are not charged an additional fuel charge!
To keep our vehicles in new condition and also because it is a state law in a commercially licensed vehicle, no smoking is allowed in the party buses or limos. Most smokers find that this is where the "unlimited stops and mileage" part of the rental is best put to use.
We are able to accept reservations over the phone, via email, or in person! All that will be required is the aforementioned deposit, the time and date of your run, and either your choice of vehicle or a passenger capacity so that we can assign the proper vehicle to you.